How does the ASAR feature work?
The ASAR Auto-Staking and Auto-Reflection Protocol feature is a simple yet cutting-edge function called Buy-Hold-Earn, that provides the ultimate ease of use for $ES2 holders.
Buy-Hold-Earn :
By simply buying and holding $ES2 token in your wallet, you earn rebase rewards in the form of interest payments that are deposited directly into your wallet. Your holdings will increase every 15 minutes.
Reflections are paid out as BUSD rewards on volume after just one hour. (payout time may vary depending on volume)
Using a Positive Rebase formula, ES2 makes it possible for token distribution to be paid directly in proportion to the epoch rebase rewards, worth 0.02355% every 15 minute epoch period. The rewards received are based on the ratio between total supply and the total amount of $ES2 tokens held in your wallet. The rebase rewards are distributed on each EPOCH (15 minute rebase period) to all $ES2 holders.
Notice: Rebase updates automatically once some time passes for the contract to trigger. Also a sell from any holder can trigger the rebase to update in all wallets. For the BUSD rewards, any transfer/buy/sell/claim will update the dividends so the holder can earn based on the updated rebase compounded as well; otherwise the holder will keep earning BUSD based on the last trigger transaction.
(Example: Holder of 1% of circulating supply earns 1% of all BUSD rewards. If others update their dividends with transactions, holder will act as if holding less than 1%, and will start earning less than 1% of all BUSD rewards. When the holder makes a transaction, the dividends update and the holder starts earning BUSD based on the exact and true % of circulating supply that they now own.)
Without moving their tokens from their wallets, $ES2 holders will receive an annual compound interest of 383,125.80% for Year 1.
The interest rebase rate then reduces after the first 12 months.
Last updated